Old One Toe Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Old One Toe.

Old One Toe Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Old One Toe.
This section contains 403 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Old One Toe

Summary: The story "Old One Toe" is about a friendship between a young girl and a fox that she rescues from a trap. The story shows that friendships can be formed between any creatures, if they possess the will to cooperate.
David Williams

Barnd-D period

May 23rd 2005

Old One Toe

The frightened fox crashed through the underbrush of a strawberry bush. Bullets screamed over his head, seeking a place to hit. The startled fox ran until he could run no more. The hunter had caught him off guard. He wouldn't let that happen again, next time, he would be ready, and would not preposterously venture into the hen house with out first snooping around. The theme, friendships can be made by anyone, is shown in the course of the characters' relationships, feelings, and in the conclusion of the story.

In the story Old One Toe, the characters' feelings towards Old One Toe, are kind, curious, and respectful. This is shown when Old One Toe gets his paw caught in a steel animal trap, and Genevieve (Tatie's niece, she is staying on Taties farm, and Old One Toe is the fox that lives in the woods behind the farm) helps him get out of the trap. Even though the fox's paw was grievously impaired by the crush of the trap, Genevieve earns a diminutive amount of the fox's respect, starting the establishment of a companionship. This shows the start of a comradeship involving two creatures.

In Old One Toe, the relationship between Genevieve and Old One Toe grows, as they encounter one another more frequently throughout the story. There isn't a relationship at first though. After Genevieve encounters Old One Toe near the wall where the grapevines are, and the commandant is going to annihilate him, she intervenes, thus saving the animal's life. This relates to the theme, because Genevieve showed that she really cared for the fox, so Old One Toe's life was spared.

In the outcome of the story, the relationship between Old One Toe and Genevieve has grown as much as it could. (Though there is still a small boundary between the two creatures.) There is a small boundary between the two, because Old One Toe is a fox and is not capable of allowing the relationship to grow any further. This shows that friendships can be formed between any creatures, if they possess the will to cooperate and be friends.

In conclusion, this was a great book, even though it was printed in like 1950. This is a book for the reader's who like animals, and adventure. This book shows that friends really can be made by anyone.

The End.

This section contains 403 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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