Environmentalism Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Man and His Environment.

Environmentalism Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Man and His Environment.
This section contains 1,862 words
(approx. 7 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Student Essay on Man and His Environment

Man and His Environment

Summary: Describes how mandkind is destroying the environment. Explores possibile solutions to the problem. Considers how individuals can help the environment.
Over the last few years I have noticed the environment becoming more and more cluttered. This might be because my intelligence has risen and I have noticed details about my environment. I have noticed little things such as some sort of dirt surface lightly covering the side of my house. At first I thought this texture was soil that had blown up in the wind, but after more observation of the wind and air I noticed I was wrong. So I thought the soil was actually smoke coming from a factory that was just less then a mile from my house.

Since I live in the small community of Dowagiac, Michigan I ruled the cause of air pollution out when first investigating. In my mind I placed the blame of the earth substance on a crop duster and his pesticides. Farmers are always in a confrontation with insects...

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This section contains 1,862 words
(approx. 7 pages at 300 words per page)
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