A Tale of Two Cities Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Minor Characters in a Tale of Two Cities.
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A Tale of Two Cities Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Minor Characters in a Tale of Two Cities.
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Minor Characters in a Tale of Two Cities

Summary: Describes how author Charles Dickens uses minor characters in his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, to show the attitudes and feelings of average English citizens during the French Revolution.
In Charles Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities, he introduces many characters, both major and minor. Throughout the plot line, each character weaves his tale and effects the final outcome. This job is done almost entirely by the major characters, such as Sydney Carton and Dr. Manette, who also show their constant growth and development. The minor characters that Dickens places in the story, such as Lorry, Cruncher, or Miss Pross, are not essential to the plot, and show little growth as individuals. Rather, they provide essence to the background of the story. With their personal backgrounds, unusual in no way, yet more powerful and thorough than many minor characters of other stories, we can see through the lives of average English citizens during the Revolution. Dickens uses minor characters in A Tale of Two Cities to convey the feelings and attitudes of people that are uninvolved...

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