History of Canada Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Narrative of Important Events in Canadian History.

History of Canada Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Narrative of Important Events in Canadian History.
This section contains 496 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Narrative of Important Events in Canadian History

Summary: This essay examines important events in Canadian History such as the sale of Rupert's land to the Canadian Government, daily Metis life, and included is a Hudson's Bay Company ad! Also covers the trial of Louis Riel.

On June 23rd 1870, the deal on the subject of rupert's land was finally closed. Over the past months, the government of Canada, the HBC, and the queen, have all been debating upon this heated subject. Recently, the subject of Rupert's Land was closed, and was purchased by the Government of Canada from the Hudson's Bay Company for 300, 000 dollars. The sale of rupert's land was a key factor in the shaping of the Red River Colony, in which we now reside. It was originally owned by the Hudson's bay company, and was named after prince rupert, the first governor of the colony. However, a public outbreak resulted, as Louis Riel protested for the Metis. Riel testified that the metis were not even consulted with, on a matter so important and fragile as this matter. For a closer look at the situation. Red River News...

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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