The Count of Monte Cristo Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Irony and Betrayal in "The Count of Monte Cristo".

The Count of Monte Cristo Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Irony and Betrayal in "The Count of Monte Cristo".
This section contains 325 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Irony and Betrayal in "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Summary: In "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas, a poor man is sent to jail unjustly because he was set up by his friend. While he's in jail he meets a man who teaches him how to use a sword. When the two finally escape the man meets another friend because his mentor died and together they find a great treasure.
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is a fun-filled, action-packed suspense novel. This book has betrayals, sword fights, and lies. This is basically a story of a friend forma an alliance against him. Sends him to jail and steals his fiancé. This book is a book of irony and has a surprising ending with a moral.

This book starts out when a best friend sets his friend Monte up by asking him to send a note for him. Monte got caught with the enemy stamp on it and got sentenced to a horrible place worse than jail for treason. In this place every anniversary from when you are sentenced there u get whipped five times for every year you have been there. While there he almost lost hope in God but found a mentor who helped him learn sword fighting. But in return he must help him dig to escape.

When someone dies they take his body and throw it out into the sea. So when his mentor died Monte switched his body with his own and escaped to a pirate ship. In which he gained a life companion named Paco because Monte spared his life during a sword fight. So with this new found companion they went after the Treasure of Cristo using the map his mentor left for him. So with his new found wealth he changed his name to the Count of Monte Cristo. So he went after his friend that betrayed and killed him. Then took his wife back and his best friend's son who is really Monte's son by blood.

This book is a great book that I would recommend to someone who loves action and suspense novels. It's ironic because the best friend stole his wife but then his wife still loved Monte and his son isn't really his. The moral of this story is to "do unto to others as u do to you."

This section contains 325 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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