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Tracing the Defects in Society to the Defects in Human Nature in "Lord of the Flies"
Summary: In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, a key theme is that observable defects in a society are the result of the foibles of individual people. For example, Jack's rebellion disrupts the boys' society on the island. Without structure, the boys, like all people, begin to display animalistic qualities.
In his first but most acclaimed novel, William Golding descriptively portrays the association of a defected society to defects in human nature. I believe that this major theme in The Lord of the Flies truly explains that without rules, laws, or even guidelines, society can not exist. Thus humans would resort back to their carnal and animal nature with the only rule being "survival of the fittest."
Golding's theme first displays itself in the opening conversation between Piggy and Ralph. Piggy is trying to excuse himself to Ralph by saying, "I cant swim. I wasn't allowed. My asthma-." Although asthma is a disability, Ralph responds cynically to Piggy, "Sucks to your ass-mar"(13).
The next instance of Golding's theme appears in Jack as he speaks with Piggy on top of the mountain. He is angry because Piggy was sitting while the others worked to build the first signal fire...
This section contains 899 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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