Of Mice and Men Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of The Simple Life.

Of Mice and Men Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of The Simple Life.
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Buy the Student Essay on The Simple Life: Of Mice and Men

The Simple Life: Of Mice and Men

Summary: Discusses the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. Analyzes the character of Lennie. Describes how although he is childish and mentally slow, he still has hopes and dreams of a happier life.
`"Good boy! That's fine, Lennie! Maybe you're getting better. When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. `Specially if you remember as good as that." Lennie choked with pride. "I can remember," he said."' (pg15) If one read this passage from Of Mice and Men, By John Steinbeck, one might think that it was an adult speaking to a 5 year old. If that person continued to read this novel, they would come to discover that it was not a child excited about tending rabbits, it was a grown man, and a large one at that. Lennie is and adult, but he acts like a child. Instead of dreams about tax exemptions or becoming rich, Lennie dreams about rabbit tending and puppy petting. Even though Lennie is childish and mentally slow he still has hopes and dreams of a happier life...

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