Underground Railroad Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of A History of the Underground Railroad.

Underground Railroad Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of A History of the Underground Railroad.
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A History of the Underground Railroad

Summary: A quick overview of the Underground Railroad, including people that assisted in it and code words and techniques for escaping to the North.
Throughout its time; an estimated four million slaves were able to escape the harsh conditions of slavery via the Underground Railroad. Not only is it an incredible story, but the Underground Railroad is a prominent symbol of both the American Dream, and black history. With the aid of many abolitionists, the goals of helping tortured slaves gain freedom were able to be achieved throughout a system of "safe houses" other havens like that. Most African Americans resisted enslavement. They used techniques such as work slow-downs, sabotage, sickness, self-mutilation, or the destruction of property. However, when that failed, they resorted to the Underground Railroad for help. Slaves passed information about methods of escape by word-of-mouth, in stories, and through songs. The world during the time of the Underground Railroad was extremely different than the one we live in now. From the different lingo used, to the people that helped...

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