Amusing Ourselves to Death Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Television in the Book Amusing Ourselves to Death and the Movie "Mad City".

Amusing Ourselves to Death Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Television in the Book Amusing Ourselves to Death and the Movie "Mad City".
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Television in the Book Amusing Ourselves to Death and the Movie "Mad City"

Summary: As both Costa-Gavras' film Mad City and Neil Postman's book Amusing Ourselves to Death show, television influences everyone in society. This influence manifests itself in the ways in which news is presented, the manipulation of both the information presented to the audience and the audience itself, and the degree to which television's aim is simply to get as many viewers as possible.
Television is portrayed in a very similar way in the book Amusing Ourselves to Death and in the movie "Mad City"

"The problem is not that television presents us with entertaining subject matter but that all subject matter is presented as entertaining" (p. 89) writes Neil Postman in his famous book Amusing Ourselves to Death, first published in 1986. It is a book that examines the ways in which television has transformed public discourse into a form of entertainment. Similarly, Costa-Gavras directed the movie "Mad City" in 1997. It is a movie about a security guard (John Travolta), who only wishes to get his job back, but thanks to a news reporter (Dustin Hoffman) who gets caught in the hostage situation that Sam Bailey (Travolta) puts him through, turns Bailey into an American hero, showing clearly all the media excesses. Amusing Ourselves to Death and "Mad City" although being different mediums...

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