The Great Gatsby Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of The Great Gatsby.
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Buy the Student Essay on The Great Gatsby: Gatsby's Dream

The Great Gatsby: Gatsby's Dream

Summary: Analyzes the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Explains the importance of Gatsby's dream and describes what he did to try to achieve it. Discusses the character of Daisy.
Isn't it marvelous to dream? Probably if you would have had the opportunity to ask Gatsby his answer would've been that it is the closest you can get to reality. All human beings have the capacity to hope, dream, and love. Gatsby was no exception. All the love and hope that could fit in his heart was the mechanism that kept him fighting to reach his dream. In fact, he was willing to do anything in order for his dream to come true.

Gatsby had a dream; to obtain an upper class woman who he met while he was in the military. The name of this woman was Daisy. Daisy comes from a rich family and Gatsby can't resist the fact of looking at other thing rather than her. "The officer looked at Daisy while she was speaking, in a way that every young girl wants to be...

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