Caffeine Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Coffee, Caffeine and Health.

Caffeine Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Coffee, Caffeine and Health.
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Coffee, Caffeine and Health

Summary: Uses literature reviews and a small survey to discuss the health impact of caffeine in young people. Questions why they drink coffee and investigates the effect of caffeine addiction.
Coffee, one of the most common drinks in our society. Majority of people like to get a taste of it and have an enjoyable time. However, it may lead to both physical and psychological influence. Caffeine is usually taken in form of coffee (Frishman, Del Vecchio, Sanal, and Ismail, 2003). Since caffeine is the substance most being taken in, it will be focused in the following parts. In the first part, several aspects involving effects of caffeine, reasons of popularity, drug of dependence, and withdrawal are discussed. In the second part, the result of a research with analysis focusing on drinking pattern (amount of coffee taken in for certain time), reason to take coffee, good and bad effects of coffee on coffee takers, and knowledge among them is illustrated.


Popularity and Effects of Caffeine-containing Coffee

The popularity is evidenced by majority of literatures. It is because, besides...

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