The Truman Show Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Media Control.

The Truman Show Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Media Control.
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(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Media Control

Summary: Questions how much control the media has over individuals. Explores different methods of media control, citing three main examples, the Truman Show, Battle Royal, and the use of advertisements.

Control is to physically or mentally have power over what someone or something does. But does the media have control over what we do, eat and think? For example, could a speaking chicken drumstick convince the public that they must go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and buy something to eat? If someone took time to realize that they were being controlled mentally, they could prevent it. In the Truman show, Truman is aware that something is controlling him, but is not entirely sure what. The media are controlling him mentally, with various tactics. When Truman believes he sees his father in the street, dressed as a tramp, they try to play his mind and encourage him that it was not his father, but another homeless person. They do this by advertising the removal of homeless people in the area. Also in my last topic, Battle Royal, a Japanese...

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