Teamwork Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Teamwork Traits.

Teamwork Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Teamwork Traits.
This section contains 297 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Teamwork Traits

Summary: No matter what the endeavor, a team must have persistency, trust, and loyalty in order to succeed.
What would have happened if the China's engineering and builders hated each other? In order to succeed a team must have persistency, trust, and loyalty. If these traits are not possessed then the team or group will not succeed.

Those traits would be needed if you were to complete buildings, win a game, or even construct a project. One trait a successful group must have is persistency. If the China's people were not persistent the world's largest man-made structure would not have been constructed. They never gave up no matter how long it took them just like the World Cup Champions never stopped practicing. If Brazil did not train as much as they did they would not have beat all the other top soccer teams. Yet another, characteristic a team must posses is trust. If students do not have trust in each other on a project a 100 is not obtainable. Not only does this apply to scholar but to an injured worker who must trust a complete stranger to save his life. Another quality a team needs is to have loyalty to their leader. Recently the Florida Marlins won the World Series with the oldest manager. If they did not respect their coach's choices the team would not have even made it to the play-offs. Players also need to show loyalty to their teammates by not trash-talking about them are arguing.

If a group of people have these important qualities then the sky would be the limit. However, if these traits are incorrectly used it might have a negative effect; for instance, if the Marlins' coach would have discouraged and complained to the players that team would not have succeeded. It is the character within that will make a good team or a bad team.

This section contains 297 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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