Teen Idol Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Teen Idol Analysis.

Teen Idol Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Teen Idol Analysis.
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Teen Idol Analysis

Summary: Summarizes and reviews Teen Idol, written by Meg Cabot. Examines the growth experienced by the character Jenny. Describes why the ending was unexpected.
The outstanding plot of Teen Idol by Meg Cabot begins when Jenny Greenley is let in on a huge secret, the characters each have their own qualities, pet peeves, likes, and dislikes, which makes this book incredibly interesting, In the end Jenny becomes more comfortable with herself and she finds who she really is. First of all, this book was extremely exciting, when I read it I could never tell what was going to happen next. In fact, Meg Cabot did a fantastic job of putting the book into a teen's prospective, the story was far-fetched, which made the book so much fun to read. It was the beginning of a new year, and Jenny Greenley at eighteen years old, had been chosen as the Clayton High School advice columnist for the column called Dear Annie. Jenny had always been known as nice little Jenny Greenley, trustworthy, kind...

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