The Great Gatsby Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Is Gatsby Better?.

The Great Gatsby Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Is Gatsby Better?.
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Is Gatsby Better?

Summary: In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald there is an interesting decision made by a Daisy Buchanan that raises a few concerns. The decision she makes is choosing Tom Buchanan over Jay Gatsby.
Is Gatsby Better"

In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald there is an interesting decision made by a Daisy Buchanan that raises a few concerns. The decision she makes is choosing Tom Buchanan over Jay Gatsby. The reasons behind why Daisy would make a decision like that is because Gatsby's wealth comes through crime, and the only reason why he has such a high stature in the community is because he throws huge parties serving illegal beverages that contributed to his wealth. Where as Tom obtained his wealth legally even though most of it was inherited. Gatsby also could be considered very possessive, it's almost like he stalks Daisy in every move she makes. The trouble with choosing Gatsby is that his job isn't steady; he doesn't provide the wealth and security Tom does. If Daisy were to choose Gatsby and live together with him...

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