Child labor Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Portugal Calls Time on Scourge of Child Labour.

Child labor Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Portugal Calls Time on Scourge of Child Labour.
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Portugal Calls Time on Scourge of Child Labour

Summary: Child labour in Portugal and in many countries around the world getting worse. There are millions of children between five and fourteen who work full time. However, there are many organizations, such as UNICEF and the International Labour Organization (ILO), who concern about the problem and want to help the children around the world against child labour, and to help them from exploitation to get an education.
Portugal calls time on scourge of child labour

There are about 250 million children around the world are engaged in child labour. Over half of them work in dangerous situations or conditions, such as working in mines, working with chemicals at farms or fields and some work with dangerous machines. The Far East and South America are the most common areas of child labour to exploitation and abuse.

Also in Portugal, the scourge of child labour is getting worse. Many of Portuguese families send their children to the workplace, where they can earn some money, such as shoemaking, clothing and textiles, and building sites. And many children also work as waiters and farm labourers. Because of they are poor and family tradition, work is an important thing in their lives and Portuguese parents believe that work will change their children to be adult that they can earn their own...

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