Metamorphoses Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Virgin Pride.

Metamorphoses Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Virgin Pride.
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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Virgin Pride

Summary: The stories: "Callisto and Jove", "Daphne and Apollo", and "Diana and Actaeon" written by Ovid in "The Metamorphoses" relate different themes of chastity, love and revenge. Love changes people, as does the need for revenge; ut change is part of life.
The goddess Diana (also known as Artemis) is the virgin huntress and the goddess of the moon. She is known for her virtue of eternal virginity and for being unapproachable and distant. Those who compromise her demanding requirements for chastity are relentlessly punished. People envy her beauty and the very fact that she devotes her life to that of chastity. All women want to imitate Diana because she leads a life of purity and chastity. There are many stories that support this claim, like the story of Callisto, the story of Daphne and Apollo, and the story of Actaeon.

In the story of Callisto, Callisto is a follower of Diana and makes a vow to remain a maiden forever. Callisto wants to be like Diana, because the less contact she has with men, the more powerful she will be. Diana's life is appealing to Callisto based on the...

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