Student Essay on Why There are Four Seasons

Why There are Four Seasons

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We all know that Earth has 4 seasons, but do we know what creates them? Well the reason for seasons is the 23.5-degree tilt of the earth and it's orbit around the sun. First off, the earth travels in an oval around the sun, that's the path the earth takes to orbit the sun. The earth is actually closer to the sun in December than January because of the orbit. It may seem that it's hotter in June and that means that the earth is closer to the sun but to tell you the truth it's completely opposite of that. That 23.5-degree tilt of the earth causes the Southern Hemisphere to face toward the sun in December causing summer and the Northern Hemisphere to face away causing winter to happen. After this step of the process fall comes in the Southern Hemisphere and spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The Northern and Southern Hemisphere will never have the same seasons. They will always be 2 seasons apart from each other. On December 21 the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest period of daylight and on June 21 they experience the longest period of daylight. It works opposite for the Southern Hemisphere, the shortest day is June 21, and longest is December 21. I hope you have understood how and why the earth has seasons.