Lean manufacturing Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Elements of Lean Production.

Lean manufacturing Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Elements of Lean Production.
This section contains 1,820 words
(approx. 7 pages at 300 words per page)
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Elements of Lean Production

Summary: "Lean" production theory was first used in Japanese factories. The Toyota production system is especially admired as a highly successful use of "lean" techniques. In general, lean production refers to manufacturing processes that improve upon mass production techniques to reduce cost, reduce time to produce, improve quality, and better respond to market demands. The benefits of lean production techniques have been documented in several studies, including a worldwide study of automotive industry. This report will focus on some elements of lean production; give some general description of each element of lean production

"Lean" production theory was first used in Japanese factories. The Toyota production system is especially admired as a highly successful use of "lean" techniques. In general, lean production refers to manufacturing processes that improve upon mass production techniques to reduce cost, reduce time to produce, improve quality, and better respond to market demands. The benefits of lean production techniques have been documented in several studies, including a worldwide study of automotive industry. This report will focus on some elements of lean production; give some general description of each element of lean production.

Small-lot Production

Generally, lot-sizing direct affect a company's manufacturing competitive advantage; the reason is this influences the cost, quality, lead time, and flexibility of production. According to different situation for each company, company will design different kinds of lots. For example, when it is the quantity of materials purchased from a supplier it is called...

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