This section contains 655 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
Summary: Life-support systems, respirators, and feeding tubes are devices do more than just prolong the dying of an individual. These devices sustain life and gives individuals one more chance to be alive and prolong valuable time with people who love them.
In the age of new technologies and discoveries in medicine, an issue has arisen over whether a person on life-support, respirators, and feeding tubes has right to live or die. It's a good question and touches moral, religious, medical, practical and even political sides of our versatile life. This issue over euthanasia is being debating in different societies of humanity, because it affects everyone, whatever social group people belongs to: whether they are young or old, poor or rich, it will always excite their minds. Many people think that euthanasia is the way to help people, who have a serious disease, from severe sufferings, but that's not right to think so, because all these devices like life-support systems and respirators sustain life. No matter how bad the state of this person is he or she still alive and it's already a good thing.
By the definition euthanasia is...
This section contains 655 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |