Romeo and Juliet Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Transition of Romeo and Juliet Into Modern Day Movie.

Romeo and Juliet Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Transition of Romeo and Juliet Into Modern Day Movie.
This section contains 398 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Transition of Romeo and Juliet Into Modern Day Movie

Summary: In Romeo and Juliet versions recreated from the William Shakespeare's play, the plays have now been adapted into modern movies containing drastic changes in the play including costumes, transport and other equipment.
In Romeo and Juliet versions recreated from the William Shakespeare's play, the plays have now been adapted into modern movies containing drastic changes in the play including costumes transport and other equipment.

One of the changes made in Romeo and Juliet today is that in the film adaptation the characters are in cars for transport apposed to horse and carts in the Franco Zeffirelli movie version. This changes a lot of things as to fighting and how fast they move around.

Some other changes are that they have different more modern styles of clothes and fashions. In the Baz Luhrmanns version the clothing style has been changed to a more western culture with more of an urban beach design for most characters in the film. In the Franco zefferellis version the clothing is more medieval design with large dresses and tights for men.

One of the main changes is the weaponry used in the movie this involves a change from swords to guns when certain battles are occurring in parts of each movie, other minor details are that the guns in Baz Luhrmanns version are sword 9mm pistols which appear frequently in parts of the movie.

A great change in the movie is the backgrounds in Franco zeffirellli's version the city are an old English castle which houses both clans. In Baz Luhrmanns version the city of Verona is based in a western cultured city in America. This difference influences a lot of the modern adaptations in Luhrmanns work.

One of the key feature that need to be changed in order for the modern film to work the ages of the actors had to be changed to fit in with society today. This is important because in the zeffirelli version Juliet is in her teenage years which in those medieval times were acceptable. But today the film would be criticised so that is why the characters were aged up to prevent something like this happening.

In the Franco zeffirelli version the nudity content is a lot higher than the Baz Luhrmanns version this had to be changed otherwise the film rating would be higher stopping younger people from viewing it.

In both these texts the views displayed are very similar but the minor details can make all the difference in both films. These monitor differences is what turns the zeffirelli version into a modern day movie.

This section contains 398 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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