Film Language Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Film Language.

Film Language Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Film Language.
This section contains 566 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Film Language

Summary: Throughout the movies we have seen so far, we have seen many different types of love. There were a lot of sexual scenes in the Mexican movie, and there were no sexual scenes in the Pakistani movie, and in the German movie it showed how age and race was power in a relationship. These three movies were very different from each other but they all demonstrated different types of love.
Film Language

Throughout the movies we have seen so far, we have seen many different types of love. There were a lot of sexual scenes in the Mexican movie, and there were no sexual scenes in the Pakistani movie, and in the German movie it showed how age and race was power in a relationship. These three movies were very different from each other but they all demonstrated different types of love.

The Mexican movie "and your mother also" was very funny, it was mostly about sex and humour which is a very powerful audience drawer. Throughout the movie there were scenes of intense sex and the rest of the movie was humor. The two boys picked up an older lady and went on a road trip leading nowhere, it eventually turned into a free for all sex party in which there was no real in-depth love but...

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