Sugar Magazine Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Is a Magazine Really a Girl's Best Friend?.

Sugar Magazine Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Is a Magazine Really a Girl's Best Friend?.
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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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Is a Magazine Really a Girl's Best Friend?

Summary: Why do girls buy magazines and do they follow the advice within and a detailed description of a magazine called, Sugar.

It's amazing that 93% of all teenagers read magazines. But why? What interest do they have in it? and why spend that extra money to buy that specific magazine? My essay is on whither the stereotype of a magazine being a `girl's best friend' is true or just what girls want it to be!

I am going to start of by telling you a little on the magazine I'm doing my essay on which is sugar:

Sugar is published by attic future which published the magazine in a number of countries. Launched in the year 1994 and targeted at the teenage girls aged 13-19 it was an instant success making it the most popular teenage magazine on the market.

In its information pack it suggests that the magazine is published for `the sugar reader that is changing physically and growing emotionally. She is building her own opinions and creating a...

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