John August Miller Biograpy Essay Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of John August Miller Biograpy Essay.

John August Miller Biograpy Essay Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of John August Miller Biograpy Essay.
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John August Miller Biograpy Essay

Summary: An autobiography on John Miller the famous roller coaster designer.
John August Miller

August John Mueller, also more formally known as John Miller, was literally the Thomas Edison of roller coasters. He designed them, built them, and even rode them. Born in 1872, Homewood, Illinois, this great man arose with great ideas. He was one of the first American roller coaster designers. His patented safety features saved lives and are still saving lives to this day. Miller's career lasted 50 years and what a great 50 years that has been.

When Miller was just 19, he began working with LaMarcus Thompson, another roller coaster designer. LaMarcus designed the very first roller coaster in the United States in 1884, long before his partnership with Miller. In 1893, Miller became LaMarcus' chief engineer in roller coaster design. Later on in 1920, Miller began working with Frederick Ingersoll and Josiah Pierce. While this partnership was formed, they all worked together and created the Coney Island Cyclone. Miller then...

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