Heart of Darkness Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Heart of Darkness.

Heart of Darkness Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Heart of Darkness.
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(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Student Essay on Heart of Darkness: Loyalty to the Last

Heart of Darkness: Loyalty to the Last

Summary: On page 120 of the Joseph Conrad novel, Heart of Darkness, Marlow states "That is why I have remained loyal to Kurtz to the last, and even beyond.." This essay provides an analysis of these words as uttered by Marlow, showing their relevance to the novel as a whole.
Loyalty is defined as being true to an allegiance or sacred bond between individuals that is equally cherished by both parties. In Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, the character of Marlow held a deep respect and honour for a first-class agent named Kurtz even before they had their initial encounter. This kinship was kept sacred by Marlow past Kurtz's demise as he vowed to sustain his memory and withhold his promises. Peering deeper into the primary reason for the peculiar relationship revealed that Marlow's loyalty resides in the perception of the aura of Kurtz, not in the man himself.

Within the depths of the African Congo river resided a revolting prejudice against the -natives by the members of Marlow's crew, all in the name of profit. The natives were perceived as being subhuman and unworthy as they were malnourished and overworked as tools used for generating profit. They...

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(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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