Hit Squad Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Hit Squad.

Hit Squad Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Hit Squad.
This section contains 287 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Hit Squad

Summary: Reviews the novel Hit Squad by James Heneghan. Summarizes the plot.
Setting: Grandview High School, Present

Main Character: Mickey Cord

Summary: Mickey Cord was asked to join a group called the Hit Squad. The other people in the group were Birgit, Peter, and Whisper. The Hit Squad's first hit was to go after Birgit's tormentors; Shelly, Mona, and Jessie. The three girls were kidnapped by the Hit Squad and were tied up to trees. The Hit Squad's next hit was to go after Joey Washington's tormentors: Godie and Gino. Since Godie and Gino were big guys, the group decided to get more help. Mickey had the idea to ask Heck, Mickey's roommate, to help out and Heck agreed. The Hit Squad and Heck followed Godie and Gino to an old basement that was burned in 1886. Everyone ran until they came to a dead end. Godie and Gino ran across a beam and Heck followed them. Mickey wanted to go after them, but Whisper stopped him. The beam collapsed and there was a loud crash. Mickey went to find Heck but the beam fell on him. Then, Heck died. After the accident, the Hit Squad broke up.

Theme: You shouldn't bully anyone because it doesn't solve anything. If someone bullies you, don't ever fight back because you can get hurt or worse. Just tell someone like a teacher or parent. Also don't get revenge because it's like the same thing. Just talk the problem out and tell that person to stop.

Reaction: I loved this book because it was very realistic. Hit Squad tells a story about kids bullying others and getting revenge. This happens a lot in reality now. Also this book teaches a lesson. That lesson is violence is never the answer to your problems.

This section contains 287 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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