Character Analysis of Steve Harmon in Monster Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Character Analysis of Steve Harmon in Monster.

Character Analysis of Steve Harmon in Monster Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Character Analysis of Steve Harmon in Monster.
This section contains 387 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Character Analysis of Steve Harmon in Monster

Summary: Discusses the book, Monster by Walter Sean Myers. Provides a character analysis of Steve Harmon. Examines his main feature, determination.
In the novel Monster by Walter Sean Myers, the main character is Steve Harmon. Steve is a very unique character. Steve is also a very determined character. All throughout the book, he is determined to do many things.

While Steve was put in jail for committing "murder" he was determined that he didn't do it. Steve didn't care that people thought that he was part in a robbery and murder scene, because he knew that he didn't. He knew that he did not take any part in this scheme and was determined to be proven innocent in the court trial. All throughout the book, Steve tries to convince members of the court to say that he is innocent because he was. And, in the end he was proven innocent.

Steve was also determined to convince the judge that he is innocent. Steve never got to really talk to the judge but his lawyer was doing the best that she could to help Steve to get out of jail and prove his innocence. And throughout the book you can see the conversation between Steve and his lawyer. These conversations were to try to convince the judge and jury that Steve is innocent. Also, his lawyer did as much as she could to make him as ready as possible for the trials. She also played a cup game with Steve to prepare him for trial.

Steve was determined to finish writing a play. Steve loved writing plays and filming plays so he decided that he would use his situation, in court, as a new play. Every word that was said in the play, he wrote down. Finally, after the case was solved, and the whole trial was over, Steve took all the writings that he had wrote down, and filmed a play. His younger brother, Jerry, helped him film too. The whole book is written in the perspective of Steve Harmon's court case and he uses the whole book, as his play script.

Monster is an extremely interesting book. Written as a play, the determined main character, Steve Harmon, writes an amazing play. He is also very talented to write and perform such a well written play. In all, Steve can do, and did, everything that he was determined to do. He is a very good character.

This section contains 387 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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