Chesapeake (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Chesapeake Voyage Three Patriots.

Chesapeake (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Chesapeake Voyage Three Patriots.
This section contains 375 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Chesapeake Voyage Three Patriots

Summary: Reviews the book Chesapeake, by James A. Michener. Summarizes the novel's plot and discusses some reasons for the American rebellion against Great Britain.
Michener's Chesapeake covers a wide span of time of evolution for the area of Chesapeake. This book is a good book in that way for that it portrays things that will pertain to class for discussion, in being why we were assigned it to better understands the history of our country. James Michener in his own way portrays in this section of the book, some views to which the American rebelled against England in land territory from motherland to host being controlled. For the most part this voyage portrays the struggle between the Patriots and Loyalists from being free from one another.

Simon Steed, part of the smuggling business, was one of the people who profited from how England had high taxes on tea. He is one of the three patriots mentioned in this chapter. He sold tea at lower taxes because of the aid of the Fithian areas of Maryland. He appears as a loyalist, but is two-faced which was kind of interesting to see within this character.

By having tax at a high price another outlander by the name of Teach Turlock had his way into this chapter. He had a seafaring business defying Parliament, in that if England had its way with America, and they had listened, there would be no one to stand up for the country and stop the British from doing so. So thus he defied England from, British war ships, and this helped to spur on the revolution. This section was inspiring to show how one man could defy, but yet still it was for his own profit, showing there is a flaw to everything, and that man is not perfect how ever good his intentions are.

Paxmore was another to help for the cause. He teamed up with Steeds, to create the first of many ships, the whisper and fight against the acts of parliaments. It is interesting to see these 3 people from different classes fight for the same cause, even though they have different motives, they are all fighting against parliament and not letting it push them around. The Steeds who are the perfect portrayal of the Southern aristocracy, the Paxmores middle-class Quaker, and the Turlocks which are of the lower class, "swamp rats."

This section contains 375 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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