Chesapeake (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Chesapeake.

Chesapeake (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Chesapeake.
This section contains 296 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Chesapeake - Voyage 2

Summary: Reviews the book Chesapeake, by James A. Michener. Focuses on the second voyage. Describes the main character, John Smith.
In this second voyage, the main character now is John Smith, "hero extraordinaire," or as he has people fooled. Mr. Smith is loaded with stories of his past adventures and how he escapes deaths. Mr. Smith is a complete fraud to me and from his accounts of his most recent adventure, he had an encounter with a stingray which he had almost died from. Mr. Smith has Mr. Edmunds Steed's to which documents his adventures. From the way that he tells Mr. Steeds's the write the story the way that Mr. Smith wanted, he made up things so that he appeared much better so. Whatever looked good on paper Mr. Steed was required to document it. This made me believe that Mr. John Smith is a complete fraud and makes up things as he goes. Like how he made up the story about the Choptanks and how huge they were and how his crew was scared and he demanded to meet with the leader and traded nothing and fooled the leader of the tribe to believe that it was valuable.

Mr. Steed on the other hand was different and had his hand in on this voyage also. His journey was a great one and when he had met up with Pentaquod and his daughter it would have been nice for the two to get married and unite the two differences. This in a way is similar to like Pocahontas. Or which it reminded me.

Already knowing the fate of the Indians, this was sad to read through of how the life of the American Indiands would never be the same for their generations to come for how the British people and many others who came on the "Great Canoe" would change them forever more.

This section contains 296 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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