Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of The Nature and Effects of Change in Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of The Nature and Effects of Change in Lord of the Flies.
This section contains 393 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

The Nature and Effects of Change in Lord of the Flies

Summary: Examines the effect of change in Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. Describes how the author intends that the reader learn that changes in life, whether they be forced or a choice, are inevitable, either for the better or the for the worse.
Change can happened whether we agree to it or weather we are against the change. When we a decide to change it is the choice to change not necessarily for the better. However when we do not agree with the change or have no control over the change it is known as a force to change. Regardless of the change the total out come is determined by the response of how change is handled. In Lord of the Flies by " William Golding " the author intends for the reader to learn that the contributions to change weather they be forced on or a choice there will be an out come either for the better or the for the worse it is all in how we handle the situation of change.

The Force of change happens more then we intend for it. The realization that change has occurred is often over looked in many case's weather a larger more noticeable change. When the young boys life's were altered with a significant change of being left alone and must survive. There is also the smaller less noticeable change. When Ralph is elected to be chief Jack has no control over the situation. Jack must change himself to prove himself worthy of being in charge.

Having the choice of change is what the choir of boys decides when they choose not to change and take on that responsibility they risk there own safety as well as the others when they decide not to build the shelters to protect them from the unknown. However Jack demonstrates the ability to choose to change when he decides he must be in charge and demonstrates his skill of hunting. Jack had a choice to either go along and follow the lead or become a leader of his own.

When we take a look at the out come in this novel the author wants us to look at each category of change. Weather it be the boys coping with there misfortune and the force to change or simply the choice to change and the response in that the loss of something such as innocence of a child to the experience of a hunter was gained. This change was counted as a misfortune of a child's innocence however the over all out come ended in the way that survival was achieved.

This section contains 393 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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