James Thurber Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of James Thurber Biography.

James Thurber Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of James Thurber Biography.
This section contains 1,710 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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James Thurber Biography

Summary: Reviews the life and experiences of the American author known as James Thurber. Covers his early life and literary success.
The Life and the Hard Times of James Thurber

The most Intriguing characteristics of James Thurber are his style and evocation of humor. In almost every surface that was touched by his ink we are able to see the some of James Thurber's humor. James Thurber was the author of various books, newspaper articles, cartoons, and theatrical plays. Living in the United States during the commencement of the twentieth century, while blinded in one eye, and past the economic depression in the thirties, left Thurber with an interesting life story to share with the rest of the world.

On December 8 of 1984 the author James Thurber was born to Mary Fisher Thurber and Charles L. Thurber, the second of the family's three sons. In "remember laughter a life of James Thurber", Neil A. Grauer tells the story of a man, who according to heredity was destined to be odd...

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