How Danger Offers Opportunity Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of How Danger Offers Opportunity.

How Danger Offers Opportunity Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of How Danger Offers Opportunity.
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(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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How Danger Offers Opportunity

Summary: Explains how crisis has the ability to bring about the opportunity to prove your capabilities. Describes ways to view stressful situations as opportunities. Discusses how different cultures define the word crisis.
According to the great physician and scientist, Timothy Wilken, when faced in a state of crisis of any manner, there are two different perspectives to look at it from, two distinct ways to handle the situation, which will in time determine the two different outcomes of the situation. The components that make up a crisis may seem to differ in a great way, but they are inter-related in terms of the meeting of a crisis. One of it is danger, the other, is however opportunity. Interestingly, the language of the Greek and the Chinese define crisis in a similar way. For the Greek, they define it as to mean a decision, a choice and a turning point for the good or the bad. As for the Chinese, the word is written by two joint ideograms. When these two ideograms are presented separately, they stand for two different concepts...

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