Thomas More Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of A Biography of Thomas Moore.
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Thomas More Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of A Biography of Thomas Moore.
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A Biography of Thomas Moore

Summary: Discusses the life of Thomas Moore, author and former Lord Chancellor of England. Analyzes his role in the Renaissance period and his best known accomplishments, including the novel Utopia.

The Renaissance was full of artists that were great but aren't necessarily remembered today to be known by everyday people today means that you were incredible in what ever you have done. Thomas More is remembered today for his great book Utopia, and his great political accomplishments. More went to Oxford, Lincoln's Inn, and New Inn all for two years each. He was interested in church and law; he became the Chancellor of England. He became good friends with Erasmus and Erasmus even dedicated his book Praise of Folly to him. All these interests led to becoming Lord Chancellor and speaker of the House. This made his death come sooner than expected because he was interested in church and the king's lawyer when the king asked if he could make the head of the church More had to say no, then he was asked to help with the...

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