Nazism Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Meaning of Nazism for Wealthy Army Officers.

Nazism Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Meaning of Nazism for Wealthy Army Officers.
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Meaning of Nazism for Wealthy Army Officers

Summary: Evaluates the meaning of Nazism for Hitler's wealthy army officers in Germany during World War II. Considers the premise that for many of those officers, Nazism was an economic rather than a political ideal.
Assess the meaning of Nazism for rapaciously rich army officers.

During the period of the Nazi regime within Germany, rich army officers were caught between two state of minds. Those who were supporters of the Nazi regime and those who weren't. This division of loyalty, to the regime and, naturally, to Hitler was very important due to the fact it showed the performance of the Regime. If the Army officers were to not follow the regime, it would undoubtedly show weakness and naturally a weakening of Hitler's leadership. So it was important for Hitler to keep the army officers interested in his ideals and in some cases Hitler found that he would employ cases of Bribery to do so. The meaning of Nazism to the rich army officers was a very important notion. An army officer during this time was shown to be an honourable profession and therefore...

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