Summer Personified Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Summer Personified.

Summer Personified Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Summer Personified.
This section contains 338 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Summer Personified

Summary: In this essay, summer is personified by using classic moments that most kids have when they are young.

The sun opens its eyes to the new day. There is no wind, just a slight wave of heat, like opening an oven. The green carpet is damp from the sprinklers, soon to be run on by the little children. They get out of bed and pull on their swimsuits; it is a daily ritual that continues on through the generations, almost as if it is a religion that all belong to. The hose is unrolled and is flooded with life as the water rushes through it. Water balloons are filled up in an army brigade and launched across the neighborhood, splatting on the hot cement like bugs on the windshield.

The smell of chlorine fills the locker room. It is a familiar scent, like warm cookies cooling a grandmother's counter. People lather up in sunscreen to prevent anymore burns. The sound of splashing as children cannon ball into the water is music to one's ears. Small footsteps, soon to evaporate in the heat, are left behind as little ones hop out of the pool and run to their towels. They slip into their flip-flops and pull on a pair of shorts, attire for all, like school-children in their uniforms.

Family barbeques, community picnics, little league baseball games; gathering together as if it were a national holiday. Watermelon is sliced as the juice drips from the triangular pieces, quickly consumed. Iced tea, lemonade, cold sodas; refreshingly gulped down to cool off in the heat. The children run after the ice cream man as they hear his song play. It is a song that everyone knows, announcing to parents to take out their change. Melting popsicles and ice cream cones drip down their chins and sticky little hands.

The stars come out and smile over all. Astronomers of all ages lay on the grass as they look for the Big Dipper, the North Star, and Orion's Belt. They enjoy the night, but know that in the morning, the sun will come and proclaim the new day.

This section contains 338 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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