Maestro (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 8 pages of analysis of The Concept of Change as Utilized in Maestro by Peter Goldsworthy.

Maestro (novel) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 8 pages of analysis of The Concept of Change as Utilized in Maestro by Peter Goldsworthy.
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The Concept of Change as Utilized in Maestro by Peter Goldsworthy

Summary: Examines how the concept of change is treated in `Maestro,' a novel by Australian author Peter Goldsworthy. Concludes that change is treated at times as an underlying theme and in other instances as a prominent and emphasized concept.
Discuss the ways in which the concept (idea) of change is treated (deals with) in `Maestro' and in at least two pieces of additional material that you have collected.

The Collins English dictionary puts it simply when it defines the word `change' as "to alter." This change is inevitable in any individual as they learn and discover `self change' often emphasised with a change of environment, influences (through relationships) and new experiences. This concept of change is recognised in the novel "Maestro," composed by Peter Goldsworthy and is treated as a constant, forever reappearing. Change is dealt with throughout the novel by young sixteen year old Paul Crabbe who presents this story on his path to maturity, growth, self-discovery and understanding. His relationships and experiences lead the way as Paul learns, not only about music but people, places and himself. The concept of change is again witnessed in...

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