Tomorrow, When the War Began: A Review Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Tomorrow, When the War Began.

Tomorrow, When the War Began: A Review Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Tomorrow, When the War Began.
This section contains 187 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Tomorrow, When the War Began: A Review

Summary: A review of the young adult fiction novel Tomorrow, When the World Began, by John Marsden. Provides a plot summary and analyzes the character Homer.
Tomorrow When the War Began is a great book, which explores how teenagers react to war and the way that they adapt to different leadership roles. The essay will be discussing the leadership shown by Homer. It will cover what homer is like physically and mentally, the way he shows leadership, what leadership is, whether he is constantly a leader, whether he challenges accepted views of leadership and whether his style of leadership is accepted or creates conflict.

Leadership is the ability to take control of a group or situation and to make tough decisions when the pressure is on. A good leader should be honest, trustworthy, have good communication skills, accountable and should have the strength to make hard decisions. There are four main types of leadership. These include authoritarian leader, dictatorial leader, democratic leader and a non-directive leader. Homer is a very democratic leader but at times can be slightly authoritarian.

"It was obvious that homer had spent a bit of time thinking about the bridge, because he went straight to the point. `Let's blow it up,' he said, his eyes shinning."

This section contains 187 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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