Ned Kelly Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Ned Kelly.

Ned Kelly Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Ned Kelly.
This section contains 1,138 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Student Essay on Ned Kelly: Sinner or Saint?

Ned Kelly: Sinner or Saint?

Summary: Outlines a proposal for a documentary film entitled "Ned Kelly: Sinner or Saint?" Keywords: Australia
The latter of Australians know of Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly the outlaw who wore an extraordinary suit of armour, led a fierce gang of bushrangers, and challenged the law and its enforcers. This documentary will look at the man behind the mask. To some, he is nothing more than a notorious criminal who unforgivably chose to take up arms against society. To others, Ned is a national hero, icon of the Australian imagination, and embodiment of the Australian spirit. Sinner or saint, his story deserves to be told.

The objective of this documentary is to withdraw from the focus of Ned as a criminal and to unearth his identity and true passion as an Australian. A mixed documentary combining narration, cinema-verite, dramatisations, and interviews with Ned's mother and law officers will be used to acknowledge this man in his journey for justice and freedom.

The documentary will commence...

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