Schindler's List Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Schindler's List.

Schindler's List Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Schindler's List.
This section contains 414 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Schindler's List

Summary: An essay based upon the real meaning to Schindler's list using symbolism.
The word holocaust is derived form two Greek words: holo, meaning whole and caust, meaning fire.

Literally, the Greek word means to be totally consumed by fire.

The holocaust has come to describe the brutal and systematic murder of six million innocent Jews by the nazi regime from 1933 - 1945.

In the movie Schindler's list, strong characteristics were portrayed in the main characters of Amon Goeth and Oskar Schindler, but these characters play only a minor part in Spielberg's real aim for the movie being that he wanted the viewers to see and understand about the holocaust.

Spielberg succeeded in his aim but not in the way people would have expected. Instead of using the main characters he made his point in other ways. He used all kinds of different cinematic conventions, symbolism and the most powerful was his choice of using a black and white picture.

Using the...

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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