House of Light Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of House of Light.

House of Light Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of House of Light.
This section contains 307 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

House of Light

Summary: Essay examines the novel "House of Light" by Joyce Carol Thomas.

Men abusing women has become a major issue in the world. Even in the modern world, abusing of women still exists. Women are being put down in society. They are constantly abused in many kinds of ways. Violence can take several forms including domestic or intimate partner violence, sexual assault and abuse, dating violence, and elder abuse.1 The novel House of Light is based on the life of women's and how they are abused. The author of this novel is Joyce Carol Thomas, the National Book Award winning author. In this novel, three women are fighting for freedom and search of love. The main character in this novel is Dr.Abysinnia Jackson, who's the doctor in the city of Ponca. She is a woman known as having special healing powers. Dr. Jackson stand as the healing tower in the House of light and helps the three women to stand up against their difficulties, fight against it by using the self confidence they have gained form Dr.Jackson and search for the freedom they deserve.

Zenobia, Pearline and Vennie are three women who are facing hardship in their life. They struggle with the problems due to no help from their friends and family. Dr.Jackson approaches them by helping them retrieve from their problems. She works as a doctor in the doctor office of House of Light. The office name is significant to the story because it represents a hope to people who goes in there with a problem. When Pearline goes for an appointment to Dr. Jackson, Pearline tells about her life problems, especially about the way Isaiah behaves to her. "Although he has taken up with another women he still stops by routinely to give her regular whipping" (P.10). Dr.Jackson knows about Pearline's obstacles since her husband is Pearline's lawyer. Dr. Abyssinia Jackson

This section contains 307 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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