Of Mice and Men Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Active Reading Notes for "Of Mice and Men".

Of Mice and Men Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 7 pages of analysis of Active Reading Notes for "Of Mice and Men".
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(approx. 7 pages at 300 words per page)
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Active Reading Notes for "Of Mice and Men"

Summary: The following is active reading notes on "Of Mice and Men."
When the novel started off by describing a riverbed in rural California, I was reminded of where my aunt and uncle live in Fresno, California where there is a riverbed.

When the novel describes George and Lennie walking along the path to the river, I had a feeling that they were the two main characters because they were the first two people who were mentioned and described in the novel.

The two characters George and Lennie remind me of two of the characters from the television show "Recess." These characters are Gus who is short and small and resembles George and the other is Mikey who is very large and uncoordinated and resembles Lennie.

When Lennie wants to drink water from the river and George warns him not to because he will get sick like he did before it reminded me of when I had to walk with...

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