Holes Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Holes.
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Holes Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Holes.
This section contains 440 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Summary: Essay provides a description of the book "Holes" by Louis Sacchar.
If you become tired of sitting around this summer or are looking for an adventurous book, then stop by a nearby bookstore or library to pick up Holes, a multiple award- winning book for all ages. Holes has won numerous awards including: National Book Award, New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of the Year, School Library Journal Book of the Year, Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book, and the Newbery Award.

Stanley Yelnats, a young boy, is under a curse. This terrible curse began with Stanley's "no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather." His great-great- grandfather was cursed by a gypsy and the curse was passes on to all of his descendants, including Stanley. In Stanley's town boys who commit a crime go to Camp Green Lake.

Camp Green Lake is no longer a lake; instead it is a very hot and bare place. The Warden, a mean ruler, runs the camp. Stanley chooses...

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This section contains 440 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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