Body image Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Pop Cultures Negative Effect on Women.

Body image Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Pop Cultures Negative Effect on Women.
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(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Pop Cultures Negative Effect on Women

Summary: An essay depicting how society and pop culture put too much pressure on women to be "beautiful" and our cultures narrow minded view of "beauty."
"Popular culture in America has become like kudzu, the tenacious southern vine. While it has certain intrinsic properties of beauty and functionality, and is therefore desirable, it can overgrow and overwhelm everything in its path when left unchecked, turning whole forests, fields and farms into an indistinguishable kudzu chaos" was just one of the quotes that popped up when I searched pop culture on google. It seems that everyday more and more pressure is put onto women by our western culture to accomplish the beauty and ecstasy of perfection. Perhaps it was Twiggy, a former model of the 60's who influenced the modern day standard of beauty. Twiggy stood 5'6" tall and weighed 97 pounds. It would be naive to think that twiggy and pop culture hasn't influenced many women to become obsessed with beauty, so much that it affects their normal, everyday life. Shows like Becoming which are...

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