Sicilian Expedition Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Thucydides Sicilian Expidition.

Sicilian Expedition Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Thucydides Sicilian Expidition.
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Thucydides Sicilian Expidition

Summary: Essay consists of a discussion regarding the Thucydides Sicilian Expidition.
The Sicilian Expedition is the decisive event in the Peloponnesian war. In fact that is what motivated Thucydide's to record it in his historical records. Thucydides prophesized that it would be `the greatest in all Greek history' and "it was a major turning point for Athens',moreover, it was the `most glorious victory for the winners, and the worst calamity for the loosers.' The outcome was that Athens lost the war which lead to the eventual collapse of her empire and dignity. The Athenians lost the war due to their ill preparedness for the expedition, illogical and hasty decisions, and poor leadership during the expedition.

First of all, it is feasible to say that one of the most important reasons for the Athenian defeat was due to the fact that they were essentially not ready for another battle. The importance of prepraredness was exemplified by Percile's in...

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