Leprosy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Examine the Role of the Physical Environment with Reference to One Specific Disease.

Leprosy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Examine the Role of the Physical Environment with Reference to One Specific Disease.
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Examine the Role of the Physical Environment with Reference to One Specific Disease

Summary: It is about the spread of leprosy across the world and how this effected by different physical environments.
Geography is `the study of man and land and the interrelations of time and space'. The physical aspect of geography is the natural environment. This includes climate, relief, terrain and precipitation. When studying physical geography human geography will also be concerned as the two are intrinsically linked. To research the role of the physical environment in relation to the spread of one specific disease leprosy has been chosen. Leprosy is particularly interesting because 130 years after the bacillus was discovered it is still not known exactly how either of the two forms of the disease is spread. Lepromatous leprosy causes skin lesions and infections of the respiratory tract and tuberculoid leprosy principally affects the nerves resulting in loss of feeling and damage.

For the main case studies, Africa, South Asia and South America will be researched as there is an estimated 730,000 cases in these areas alone. Eastern Sudan will...

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