Acceptance Essay to College Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Acceptance Essay to College.

Acceptance Essay to College Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Acceptance Essay to College.
This section contains 295 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Acceptance Essay to College

Summary: The following is an acceptance essay to college.
My experience as a delegate in Washington D.C. each year at the Model Organization of American States (Model OAS) General Assembly has been truly priceless. Each year, after preparing for debate, writing resolutions that deal with problems of the Western Hemisphere, and learning the position of an assigned country, I travel to Washington D.C. to debate. I feel extremely fortunate to be offered Model OAS at a public school and proud when I am able to gain the respect of students among the top private schools. The opportunities that being a part of Model OAS gives, to meet and ambassador and talk with him, to meet intelligent and interesting students from around the country, and to learn through practice, are ones that I am lucky to have as a public school student.

Model OAS has allowed me to experience international politics, and learn about the world in a way that I can not in class.

Since ninth grade, I've received the Academic Achievement Award for maintaining an Honor Roll grade point average of 90-95 the entire year. Additionally, in tenth grade, I was named a Scholar Athlete for my participation in Varsity Cross Country Running in combination with my Honor Roll grade point average, and have remained in Scholar Athlete standings. In eleventh grade, I was fortunate enough to be on a Varsity Soccer Team comprised entirely of smart and responsible girls, earning all players the title of MHAL Academic Team Athletes. The most exciting of my Academic Honors was being chosen to attend Empire Girl's State 2003. After filling out an application and being interviewed, I was chosen, based on my grades, personality, responsibility, and involvement, to meet with hundreds of well-rounded girls and learn about and create a mock government.

This section contains 295 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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