Pornography Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Pornography.

Pornography Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Pornography.
This section contains 941 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Student Essay on Pornography: First Do No Harm

Pornography: First Do No Harm

Summary: Discusses the issue of pornography. Considers if it can have positive benefits for society. Questions if there should be limitations placed upon it.
Many people have many ideas and opinions on different things in society. One of these things that come up frequently is a person's opinion on pornography whether it is good or bad for society. My opinion is that porn is good for the society with limitations. Limitations that I believe in are that all persons in the pornography must be or the age of eighteen or older and animal pornography should be banned from print. These limitations could be made by the government or by the companies which make the pornography. I will also quote Wendy McElroy from "Individualist Feminism: A True Defense of Pornography" and use a few of her ideas in my opinion on pornography because I agree with her ideas one hundred percent.

My first opinion that could help society with the benefits of pornography is that couples can learn new ideas and can experiment...

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