Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Sexual Identity in Go Tell it On the Mountain.
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Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Sexual Identity in Go Tell it On the Mountain.
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Sexual Identity in Go Tell it On the Mountain

Summary: Discusses the issue of sexual identity in the James Baldwin book, Go Tell it on the Mountain. Analyzes the character of John. Examines his confused sexuality and how he struggles to define himself.
In the book Go tell it on the mountain, the character John struggles to find which way he swings. His confusion of his sexual interests sways him to look deeply within himself. Is he attracted to male, or female? As he continues his search he finds himself aroused by both sexes. His first dirty thought was when he was introduced to Elisha, his new teacher and the pastor's nephew.

John stared at Elisha all during the lesson, admiring the timbre of Elisha's voice, much deeper and manlier than his own, admiring the leanness, and grace, and strength, and darkness of Elisha in his Sunday suit, wondering if he would ever be holy as Elisha was holy. But he did not follow the lesson, and when,sometimes,

Elisha paused to ask John a question, John was ashamed and confused, feeling the palms of his hands would become wet and...

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