Learning styles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Different Styles of Learning History.

Learning styles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Different Styles of Learning History.
This section contains 1,417 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Different Styles of Learning History

Summary: Explores the different forms of how we retain historical data. Explores rhetoric devices students use to grasp historical concepts while connecting those events to past or future. Describes how relaying historical information in story format helps with the chronological information and cause and effect relationships.
The study of history depends heavily on the way it is written. Events in history have been conveyed in many different forms, some being more factual, while others contain a story within the facts in order to spark an interest for the reader. The different styles of writing and the way you retain the information can facilitate or debilitate the quality of the information remembered and the quantity of information remembered.

The opening lines of Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City create a picture of the era. "How easy it was to disappear: A thousand trains a day entered or left Chicago...The women walked to work on streets that angles past bars, gambling houses, and bordellos... But things were changing. Everywhere one looked the boundary between the moral and the wicked seemed to be degrading (Larson 12)." Although the minimal amount of pictures debilitates the visual...

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