Voting age Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Teenagers Consider Their Right to Choose or Lose.

Voting age Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Teenagers Consider Their Right to Choose or Lose.
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Teenagers Consider Their Right to Choose or Lose

Summary: Provides into what teenagers think about the voting process. Examines how people ages 18-30 viewed the 2004 presidential election. Discusses the role of MTV`s "Rock The Vote" & "Twenty Million Loud," and many other partner organizations who worked together to get 20 million young voters out on Election Day 2004.

With the Hawaii's primary deciding which Democratic nominee should go against President Bush in the November election 2004, the 18-24 year-old age group has never been more crucial in determining the outcome of one of the fiercest battles for the Democratic Party nomination.

In the 2000 presidential election nearly 18 million people aged 18-30 voted, representing nearly 16% of total voters.

MTV`s "Rock The Vote" & "Twenty Million Loud," and many partner organizations are working together to get 20 million young voters out on Election Day 2004-- a large swing vote that is up for grabs and could be decisive in the election.

A series of questions about the political participation of young adults was posed to Mrs. Hill's US Government & Politics class of seniors. Their opinion was sought because of their attentiveness in political system and the diversity of their views.

Of those polled, only five were eighteen years-old but all are...

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